
Write short, simple sentences

Long sentences are for Charles Dickens—the short attention span of today’s reader demands sentences of 35 words or fewer. And according to, the average American adult reads at a 7th to 9th-grade level. So website content that’s accessible and easy to read will naturally reach a wider audience.

Focus on using nouns and verbs; use adverbs and adjectives sparingly. Don’t use words like “equanimity” or “obfuscate” when words like “calm” or “confuse” will do.
If you’re not sure what grade level you write at (like most of us!) then it’s useful to check how your texts score on readility models.

Most of the popular models are based on the length of words and sentences in a text. Your text’s readability is then scored by a number or an education level. These three tools will scan your text and score its readability:

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